Thursday, September 28, 2017

~Swimming at the Soccer Field~

The kids and I decided to go see a movie to celebrate the 24th of July.  Dave couldn't join us because he had to work.  On the way home from the movie, I decided to show the kids where I grew up, where I went to church, and where I went to school.  As we were heading past Orton park, Hunter noticed someone with kayaks.  He threw open the car door, while it was moving mind you, and jumped out saying "There's Kayaks".  I stopped the car(in the middle of the road) and all the other kids jumped out to follow Hunter and see what he was talking about.  They all jumped out without even saying a word.  I decided I guess I'd better go see what the fuss was all about too.  I parked the car and walked up the hill.  The soccer fields at Orton Park were buried under 3-4 feet of water.  People were tubing, kayaking, and splashing around this man-made little lake.  Our good friends, the Browns, were there playing with their kids and kayaks.  They were super nice and let us borrow their kayaks.  We spent a good hour or two playing around.  It's not everyday you see Orton park flooded over.
My kids really weren't prepared for swimming.  Before I even knew what was going on, the boys had stripped down to their underwear and were in the water.  What???  I'm glad my girls kept their clothes on.

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