Friday, September 8, 2017

~Let It Snow~

We have gotten some really good snow this year.  The kids have had a lot of fun playing in it.
These girls and I had so much fun building a snowman one day.  It was funny cause I was out playing in the snow with the kids, building a snowman.  Easton Hadley (one of the neighbor boys) and Tyler came over and started playing in the yard with us.  After about 30 minutes or so I heard Easton say, "Wait is that your mom?"  He was surprised that I was out playing in the snow with them, lol.  He just thought I was another one of the neighbor kids the whole time, lol.  I guess I need to get out and play with the kids more often :)
We've had so much snow this year that even wild animals are coming down from the mountains looking for food.  One day we had 2 moose in our backyard eating our trees.  That's something I thought I'd never see.  They came in through our gate from the church, ate a little, then headed out our other gate into our neighbors, the Deis's, backyard.  Crazy!!!

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