Sunday, September 24, 2017

~2017 Utah Summer Games~

One of our family's favorite summertime activities is going to watch Hunter's basketball team compete in the Utah Summer Games.  We always have so much fun spending a few days with these amazing families at Jerry and Darinda's house.
We have fun swimming, watching games, and we make sure we get a lot playing in there too.

This year everyone went down a day early so that we could head to Sand Hollow for a boating day.  The kids had fun tubing, wake boarding, surfing, and playing in the sand.
The kids made a model of Jerry and Darinda's pool, lol

We have quite the little cheering section when we all go to the games.  It really is fun to spend the week with all of these families.  Everyone gets along so well together.

Our team won all of there games in the high school league and ended up playing in the gold medal game.  We had a cute group of cheerleaders who went out during half time in the medal game to do a cheer for the Warriors.
We ended up winning the gold medal.  Whoo-hoo Warriors!!!  We ended up winning to a team that has won it every year for the last who knows how long.  They were not very happy they lost to us.  Our boys played so hard.  We totally deserved the win.
I hope Hunter realizes how lucky he is to have these two be his coaches.
The whole group.  We have such a great time with every one of these families.
We always have a great time at the Utah Summer Games!  We hope to continue this tradition for several more years.  At least until all these boys head out on their missions.  I guess then we will have to move along to Garrett and his friends, lol.

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