Monday, September 4, 2017

~PTA Reflections Contest~ "What's My Story?"

I was asked to be over the PTA Reflections contest this year.  I'm not entirely sure why, since I really have never been involved with reflections before.  But I went with it.  The theme was "Whats My Story?  I decided to go with an awards night theme for the contest.  We got all of the participants pictures and hand prints and posted them in the school, just like the Hollywood Walk of Fame.
For our awards assembly, we had awards themed music, a red carpet for the winners to walk up, and the presenters (Mr. Nestoryak, several teachers, and Kristyn the PTA presidents) were all dressed in their fanciest attire.  It was a lot of fun!
Mckell entered the contest in the Photography category.  She took a gorgeous picture of a sunset.  She won Honorable mention.
Lexi entered a picture in the visual arts category.  She did a paper tear art project of a dancer.  She won the award of excellence, which means she won a trophy and her art project will be moving on to the next level.
Lexi and Mckell with Mckell's friend Sarah, also winner.
Lexi with all of the visual arts winners.
The students who won the award of excellence not only won a treat bag and a trophy, but they also won a McDonalds lunch with the principal.  Way to go Lexi!!! (Garrett got to join in since he spent the entire day at the school doing reflections stuff.  He's a trooper!)

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