Thursday, September 28, 2017

~Girls Camp~

This is Mckell's first girls camp.  Dave and I are so lucky that we go to experience it with her, even though if she didn't agree.  Hahaha.
The 24th Ward Young Women.  This is such an amazing group of young women and the leaders are the best.  We had so much fun together these past few days.  Our girls camp this year was at Reid Ranch in the Uintahs.  There were all sorts of activities for us to do: volleyball, horseback riding, canoeing, swimming at the pool, archery, and playing games in the game lodge.  There was no reason for the girls to get board.

O huge storm came in while we were here.  It was crazy!  It rained like crazy and there was thunder and lightning everywhere.  In fact one lightning bolt hit so close that you could feel it.  It was extremely scary for some of the leaders who were out running in the rain looking for girls.  They literally could feel the electricity run through their bodies.  All the girls and leaders from all of the camps all took shelter in the game lodge.  There were several girls scared from the storm so there were lots of group prayers said and lots of blessings given.  One of the adult male leaders from another group was lost in the storm, but later found.  He just hunkered down for shelter until the rain stopped.  Which felt like FOREVER!!!  Everyone ended up being fine, although all our tents and everything in them were drenched, a large canopy was destroyed in the wind, the roads were washed out so no one could get out, and it was tough for anyone to get in (Slade tried getting in and ended up sliding off of the road and denting his truck a little).  It was crazy, but we survived and have stories to tell about it.  Since our stuff was drenched, the camp hosts let us sleep in the game lodge and tried to dry our sleeping bags and pillows in their dryers.  Sleeping in the game room was also quite the adventure.  When it got dark, the mice game out.  There were mice running everywhere.  EEK!!!  Some of us leaders opted to sleep in our cars.  But I think the girls had a lot of fun and bonded as a young women's group.  I love my calling in the young womens and am so lucky to be able to be in there with Mckell.  WE really have so much fun!

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