Friday, September 1, 2017


I love that our elementary school does a Halloween parade.  It's fun to see all the cute kids in their costumes.
Our cute parade watchers Garrett, Brigham, and Cody
My cute little trick or treaters
Our first trick or treater .He wasn't too sure about our skeleton head candy dish, lol

When the kids were younger, Dave and I would switch off years on who would take the kids out and who would stay home to hand out candy.  But the last several years the kids are insistant that Dave be the one who takes them out trick or treating, lol.  They must think he is more fun, lol.
This year Mckell decided that instead of heading out with Dave and the kids she wanted to go with friends.  It's so hard to see the kids grow up and grow out of things.  But I'm glad she had fun with these cute girls.
The kids hit the candy jackpot!!!

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