Sunday, September 24, 2017

~EFY- Weber State~

Hunter was able to attend EFY this year with these cute boys.  They had a great time, and learned so much about the gospel.  I really do love what good kids Hunter friends are.
It was funny that after spending several days down in St George with these boys, we all headed home and most of them headed to EFY together.  Hopefully they didn't drive the counselors crazy.  One thing I noticed when bringing the boys up this week, was how nice everyone was.  Really, everyone was smiling, welcoming us as we entered, and super kind.  It made me want to stay, lol.  It hit me that I think this is how heaven will be.  Everyone welcoming others with open arms and smiles.  The feeling of love and friendship was amazing.  I wish we could feel that more in our society, it made me realize that I need to be better at making others feel this same way.  The lesson I learned from the EFY experience and I didn't even attend, lol.

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