Friday, September 1, 2017


A cute family in our ward, the Palmers, started a fun little game for some of the ward families to play called BOO!!!  They had this cute ghost and you would try to sneak it from another neighbor.  The game lasted a few weeks and the goal was to have the ghost on Halloween Eve at midnight.  It was fun running around the neighborhood trying to steal Casper the ghost form the neighbors without getting caught.
These pictures were over several nights of this game.  We were lucky to have Casper the ghost on our porch around 5-6 times throughout the two week period.
Hunter hanging out the window catching thieves, lol
In the end, we had Casper at 12:00 Halloween Eve.  WE WON!!! My kids were determined to win.  They sat for 5 hours, yes, 5 hours by the front door watching for Ghost thieves.  They did get tired after about 3 hours, but kept saying we sat this long we can't give up now.  Lol.  It was a fun way to celebrate Halloween with a lot of our neighbors.

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