Thursday, September 14, 2017

~Introducing One of the New North Ogden Jr High 7th Grade Officers~

Mckell just made 7th grade officer for North Ogden Jr High!!!! Whoo-hoo!!! We are so excited for her.  Dave helped her come up with some ideas for her campaign.  They went with a Star Wars theme.
This is her 1st poster for primaries.  "You Don't Know The Power Of Mckell!  Together We Will Rule NOJH"  She won primary elections and got to make a 2nd poster.  We kept with the original Star Wars theme.
Here she is with her 2nd poster "Vote Mckell ~ Let's Get This Party Started Right~  They also had to give a 1 minute speech.  Mckell dressed up as Darth Vader and came out dancing to the song "Can't Touch This" by MC Hammer.  She ended her dance when it says "Hammer Time" ~ Instead she yelled "It's Mckell's Time"!  Then she took of her helmet and said "Vote for me and let me show you what a FORCE I can be at NOJH"  She did such a good job and I was so proud of her for getting up there and having no fear.
So we were stoked to find out she made it!!!  She will do an amazing job!

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