Saturday, September 9, 2017

~Happy Valentines Day~

For Valentines day this year, I wanted to surprise all the kids with a heart attack on their bedroom doors and a little treat.  I love the holidays and love starting little traditions like these.
I also got a little something for Dave and thought I'd done really well, that is until I got home and saw the surprise Dave got us girls.
He bought each of us a bouquet of flowers, a necklace, and a stuffed animal.  So sweet!!!
The girls each got a large stuffed bear (which is super soft)
Dave got me this giant gorilla.  Wow!!!  Lol, although Garrett totally thinks the gorilla is his.  He is totally obsessed with King Kong right now, so thinks this is the perfect gift for him, lol.  He did tell me he'll let me babysit the gorilla once in a while.  I love that kid!
The gorilla was a hit.
Any guy that dates my girls is going to have some big shoes to fill.  Super sweet of Dave to spoil us girls.  We Love You!!!

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