Monday, September 18, 2017

~Bear Hunt~

Ever since we were first married, Dave has commented how much he wanted to go on a bear hunt.  He always said that someday he would make it happen.  His buddy, Jared, told him about a hunt up in Idaho and they planned a boys get away to go hunt bears. Garrett was bummed he couldn't go with the boys, too.  Maybe when he's older.
Both Dave and Hunter commented on how beautiful it was up there in the panhandle of Idaho.
To get to one of the bears they shot they had to cross this log across a pretty swift river.  Jared brought his 2 boys along, and all 5 of them got a bear.  So you can say it was a successful hunt.

The bear Hunter shot.
Look at those claws and teeth!
Some of the dogs who helped these guys find and tree the bears.  They liked Hunter.
Their guide's mother made all their meals for them.
The bear Dave shot.  It's all wet because after falling out of the tree it rolled down the mountainside into a stream.

Dave and Hunter were gone a few days longer than they had planned on being, but they got their bears, so it was a trip well worth it.  They can't wait until they get their bears back.  Hunters bear is being made into a rug, while Dave's is going to be stuffed/mounted.
Dave and Hunter didn't get back in time to celebrate Mother's Day with me, but I sure do love have these people in my life.

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