Wednesday, September 13, 2017

~Spring Break~

It's really nice to have a place to go in St George whenever there is a break from school.  It's nice to leave the cool weather of home in March and go somewhere a bit warmer with sunshine.  We are so grateful Jerry and Darinda will let us come stay at their home in St George when we want to.  For spring break this year we did just that.  We invited Richard and Cassie and my parents to join us.  We even let Hunter and Mckell bring a few friends, which meant Dave and I were driving separate vehicles, which ended up working out because Mckell had a birthday party down at Little America Friday night.  So Dave and the kids and my family headed down Friday night, while Mckell, Sarah, and I headed down Saturday morning.
We had a fun filled week.  We went razor riding, swimming at the pool, we went to movies, went hiking, and we even went into Vegas one day to hit Cowabunga Bay and then walk the strip and ride the Big Shot at the Stratosphere.  It was quite the spring break!
Lexi and Paisley found all sorts of "treasures" at Sand Hollow.
Lexi's hot pad she made.
We were not about to let a little rain keep us from playing in the pool.
Our good friends, the Opheikens, were also down in St George for spring break staying with their family as well.  They called us one afternoon inviting us to go with them in to Vegas to visit the water park they own, Cowabunga Bay.  How could we resist that offer?  It was so fun to meet up with them.  We had our own little cabanas with complimentary all you can eat food and drinks.  We all had a blast!!!  It was funny that we are sitting in our cabana and who was in the cabana next to us?  Our orthodontist, Dr Pobanz.  What are the odds? 
Since we were already in Vegas, we decided it would be fun to go eat at Hard Rock Café, visit the strip, and then head to the Stratosphere to ride the Big Shot.

 I was so impressed with these boys.  While walking on the strip, there were some very scandalously dressed girls with pretty much nothing on but pasties and feathers.  The boys didn't even glance at them. An dI was watching to see if any of them would glance over at the girls.  They didn't.  The girls even said, "Hello boys, do you want a picture with us?"  But the boys just kept walking.  These are such good kids.  Paisley on the other hand, couldn't stop looking at the girls.  She thought they looked beautiful with all there feathers and glitter, lol.

On the top of the Stratosphere.  The view was beautiful!

Most of the kids rode several rides at the top of the Stratosphere.  They had lots of fun, and it made for a very late drive back home.
We even visited the silver mines.
After our little 4 wheeler ride we headed back to play in the pool, where Lexi hit her mouth on the slide coming down and chipped her front tooth in half.  Her permanent tooth right in the front of the mouth!!! What is is with my girls knocking out their front teeth?
Luckily it just missed the tooth pulp, so she really wasn't feeling any pain other than hitting her mouth on the slide.  Thank goodness for small favors.
Becky and her girls came down further in the week.  She brought face paint to play with and did an amazing job painting Mckell's face to look like a deer.  Wow!!!
The Hall's brother, Eli, met up with us cause he was down her for Spring Break with his friends and they were all headed back home.  Carol and Richard were coming down the following day to get their kids and head on their own family vacation.  They figured instead of Eli driving all the way home, then turning right back around to head down he could just stay with us.  We decided to spend the day hiking Red Cliffs.  Becky and her girls joined us, but Cassie decided to head home early cause Grayson was acting fussy.

We had a super fun spring break!  It was jam packed but we had fun spending it with so many friends and family.  I'm sure Darinda was exhausted by the time we left, lol.

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