Wednesday, September 13, 2017

~Going to Die~

Garrett woke me up one morning super upset saying that he was going to die.  I couldn't figure out what he was worrying about.  He kept saying,"Look mom, look.  I'm going to die.  You've got to call my teacher and tell her I can't come cause I'm going to die"  When I focused my eyes and fully woke up, I realized what he was talking about.  He had had a bloody nose through the night.  He woke up, seeing all the dried blood and thought he was dying. lol.  Poor kid!
It took me a little while to convince him that he was going to be fine and that he was not dying, lol.  But once we got him all cleaned up, he realized he was going to be ok.  And was more than happy to head to preschool for his Easter party.

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