Wednesday, September 6, 2017

~Let the Christmas Parties Begin~

December is always busy with family Christmas parties, neighborhood Christmas parties, and programs.  It's exhausting, but I love it!  It's fun to get together with family you haven't seen for months.  My mom's siblings were the first family party this season.  It's always fun getting together with the Smedings.
My aunt Pat always plans the program.  The kids do the nativity, we sing songs, and have a special visitor, Santa.  He comes bringing presents for all the kids.
Mckell as Mary (she was feeling she is getting to old for this, lol)
Garrett as a wise man

Lexi as an angel
Garrett loved playing the part of Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer

All the Smeding girls with Santa: Jodi, Pat, Susan (mom), Kathy, Marisa, Sharen, and Pam
Hunter missed the Smeding Christmas party because he was at his jr high dance. (Grandpa Wangsgard was NOT happy about that, lol)

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