Tuesday, September 26, 2017

~Happy Birthday Dave~

It seems that every time we have a birthday, Hunter is playing basketball.  Maybe that is because Hunter is ALWAYS playing basketball, lol.  For Dave's birthday it was no different.  We decided we would go watch Hunter play in the Rocky Mountain Showcase Tournament in South Jordan and then go out and celebrate Dave's birthday afterwards.  That was a BIG mistake.  Hunter's team didn't play well, so. . . Dave wasn't very happy.  Which meant that celebration plans were out.  By the time we drove from South Jordan to Riverdale, things had calmed down a bit so we ended up going to Olive Garden.  Not how I wanted Dave's 40th birthday celebrations to go, but what do you do?
I don't think Dave was all that thrilled about turning 40 anyway, so I really don't think he was ever really feeling up to celebrating, lol.  Happy 40th Dave!!!

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