Friday, September 29, 2017

~7th Grade Officer Party~

We decided to have an officer party for these 7th graders to get to know each other better since they all come from different school.  We ate dinner, played games, and they ended up getting in the hot tub and playing mafia.  This is a fun group of kids and they all get along so well.  It's going to be a fun 7th grade year for them.
The candy bar game.

~20 Year Reunion~

Dave insisted for months that I was going to go to my 20 year high school reunion.  I really didn't want to go, and really wasn't planning on it.  But he really wanted me to (maybe he felt a little bad that he didn't go to his last year.  I caved, and ended up going to the alumni only night.
I can't believe its been 20 years since I graduated high school.  Man we are getting old!

~I Fly and I Rock~

Calvin invited Hunter to go try out I Fly and I Rock with him for his birthday, a little belated since his birthday was month ago.  These two are goofballs.
When Jaycie, Calvin's mom, sent me this picture all I could see was Thing 1 and Thing 2.  Hahaha.

~Brigham City Temple~

So far this summer, Mckell has visited the Ogden Temple, Logan temple, and now the Brigham City temple.
I love that the youth can visit any temple whenever they want to.  I think back to when I was a youth and that didn't happen.  I think as a youth I only went to the temple once and that was when my ward's youth were invited.  I love that the youth of today go all the time.

~Family Boating NIght~

I love how much fun the kids have together boating.  Tonight was Lexi's first time trying surfing (she climbed out on the surf board with Mckell).   She LOVED it even though at times she looked terrified!!!
We even got all 3 of them surfing together. We tried to get Garrett to go out to, but that wasn't happening.

Mckell even tried wake boarding with Hunter.  The kids love taking the boat out, which makes me happy.


The kids have been big into hammocking lately.  They want to do it all the time.  Since we don't have trees really great and strong to tie the hammocks to, they have gone over to the church and set them up.
They decided they were going to sleep in their hammocks at the church.  It didn't last to long though.  There was too much traffic going through the church parking lot through the night and it freaked them out, lol.  Especially when a car parked facing them.  I'm sure whoever was in the car didn't know there were people hanging in the hammocks, but the kids weren't staying to find out.  oh, the joys of living behind a church.  You get strange cars parked in the parking lot at all hours of the night.

~End of Summer Neighborhood Swim Party~

For years, our neighborhood has had an end of summer swim party.  It started several years ago when we had swim parties up at Jerry and Darinda's house with the whole neighborhood.  It has continued after all these years.  We have changed venues a few times, but the tradition has stayed.  This year the party was at Cherry Hills.  It's always fun playing with our neighborhood friends.
Cherry Hills had a fun little competition towards the end of the day.  They had kids dive for prizes.  Mckell dove in and won a free Scary Hills mini golf pass.  Whoo-hoo!!!  We always have such a fun time at Cherry Hills.

Thursday, September 28, 2017

~Water Slide Paint Wars~

We really have the funnest Young Womens group.  For a combined activity we did water slide paint wars at the neighborhood park.  It was tons of fun!!!
Dave and I really weren't planning on getting painted on, but the youth had other plans for Dave, lol.  He really does have a great relationship with our youth.

Let's just pray this paint really does come out of our hair, clothes, and off our skin, lol.

~Summer of Temple Trips~

I love how our young women's group goes to the temple every week during the summer.  Mckell has made it a goal to go every week.  For the most part she has, just missing a week here and there.  She is counting her summer temple attendance as a  10 hour project for her Young Women's personal progress.  Way to Go Mckell!!!

~Swimming at the Soccer Field~

The kids and I decided to go see a movie to celebrate the 24th of July.  Dave couldn't join us because he had to work.  On the way home from the movie, I decided to show the kids where I grew up, where I went to church, and where I went to school.  As we were heading past Orton park, Hunter noticed someone with kayaks.  He threw open the car door, while it was moving mind you, and jumped out saying "There's Kayaks".  I stopped the car(in the middle of the road) and all the other kids jumped out to follow Hunter and see what he was talking about.  They all jumped out without even saying a word.  I decided I guess I'd better go see what the fuss was all about too.  I parked the car and walked up the hill.  The soccer fields at Orton Park were buried under 3-4 feet of water.  People were tubing, kayaking, and splashing around this man-made little lake.  Our good friends, the Browns, were there playing with their kids and kayaks.  They were super nice and let us borrow their kayaks.  We spent a good hour or two playing around.  It's not everyday you see Orton park flooded over.
My kids really weren't prepared for swimming.  Before I even knew what was going on, the boys had stripped down to their underwear and were in the water.  What???  I'm glad my girls kept their clothes on.

~Swim Day With Cousins~

Cassie and I talked about doing a ton of fun things together this summer, but it just has been so busy.  We finally snuck time in for a swim day at North Shore.
Mckell is always so good to play and watch her little cousins.  She is also such a good big sister to get Garrett to go down the waterslide.  He did not like it at all. lol.  Eventually we are going to get him to like this kind of stuff.  Hahaha!!!

~Ogden Rodeo~

My mom and dad always get us tickets to the Ogden Rodeo.  My kids love watching the bull riding and the motorcycles at the end.  It's always a fun night.