Tuesday, October 31, 2017

~Happy Halloween~

What a busy, but fun day.  I love the traditions we have and the new ones we start on holidays.  We started the morning off with the elementary Halloween Parade.  This is one of my favorite things about Halloween.
This is the only picture I got of the parade, lol.  I love seeing all the kids in there costumes.  There are some very creative costumes out there.
I decided to start a new tradition this year and have a fun Halloween dinner.  We had Pumpkin bowls, cockroaches and guts (chili), topped with dried skin, beetles, and witch's hair (Fritos, olives, and cheese), fried slugs (bacon wrapped smokies), dirt (pudding with cookies and worms), and midnight fog (rootbeer and dry ice)  It was a really fun dinner.

We are loosing all of our trick or treaters :(  I'm not ready for my kids to grow up.  Hunter and Mckell both went to parties, so Dave just got to take these cuties around this year.
Garrett didn't last long.  He got cold and tired and just wanted to come home.  He was very satisfied with what he got though.
Lexi and Melyn with their candy.  I'm glad these kiddos had a great Halloween!

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