Wednesday, October 4, 2017

~1st Day of School~

I am sooo not ready for summer to be over and for the kids to be back to school.  I'm not ready for homework, early bedtimes, and a routine.  But ready or not it's here.
Lexi is in the 3rd grade, Mckell is in 7th, Garrett has 1 more year of preschool, and Hunter is in 9th grade.
Mckell is a 7th grade officer this year.  They wanted to wear their officer jackets, but haven't gotten them back from Coleman's Knitting yet, so they just wore their student government shirts instead.
Instead of going to the neighborhood donuts and milk, I decided to make the kids a special 1st day of school breakfast.

Hunter was not excited about getting his Back to School picture taken, so he was being a goofball for the pictures, lol.

After school, I decided to take the jr high carpool for a treat at Fiiz.  This year Tessa, Hunter, Kolton, , Kailee, and Mckell.are in the jr high carpool.  I think everyone in the jr high had the same idea, because Fiiz was packed with jr high kids.
The elementary carpool had the same idea.  The stopped to Fiiz too after school.  Our elementary carpool Lexi, Olivia, Trey, Jaxon, Andrew, and Blake.  We started the school year off to a great start.  It should be a fun year.

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