Monday, October 2, 2017

~Ropelato Girls Trip~

It's been such a long time since we have gotten together with the Ropelato's.  Becky and I thought it'd be fun to plan a girls trip to Park City to shop, go down the alpine slides, and just play together for a few days.  We had an enjoyable time.
We stayed at a cute condo where everyone had their own room.  It was very nice.
Jackie was so cute and did all the girls' nails.  They LOVE Jackie!
We had so much fun on the alpine slides.  Poor Jocelyn and Becky didn't join us for the slides.  Joc was feeling sick, so Becky drove her back home to South Weber while we were going down the slides.
After the slides we all headed to the outlet mall.  My girls had a blast shopping it up.  I think we hit the pay dirt.  Darinda is always so sweet, because every year she gives the kids some $ for new school clothes.  I think both of these girls are ready for school after this trip.
We stayed up super late visiting and playing games.  This was a fun trip.  I hope we make it a tradition.
The following day, everyone headed home.  Me and my girls decided to hit the slides 1 more time.  When we got there the slides weren't open yet so we decided to try out the trampolines until the slides were open.  I'm glad we got one last ride in.
I love spending time with these cute girls!  I'm so lucky to be their mom!

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