Friday, October 6, 2017

~September Birthday Girls~

It's always fun celebrating these September birthday girls.

This year Darinda hosted the party at her house to let use swim in her pool for the first time this year (their pool has been out of commission for several years, but they just got it fixed and up and running).  The weather was freezing outside, so Jerry insisted they make the pool extra warm.  98 degrees.  It felt like a giant hot tub.  I really wasn't going to get in the water, but it was so warm that I couldn't resist.
For whatever reason Garrett has gotten a brave streak lately.  He went off the divingboard and went down the slide.  Without any coaxing.  That's my boy!!!  I didn't get any pictures of it though, just video.
Darinda is always so thoughtful to buy all of the birthday kids their very own cake.  Lexi and Jocelyn couldn't resist in smashing their faces into their cakes, lol.  Silly girls!

Happy Birthday Darinda, Jocelyn, and Lexi!!!

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