Saturday, October 28, 2017

~UEA Weekend~

For UEA weekend we decided to head down south to St George because Hunter and Dave drew out a deer tag for Zions and opening morning of the deer hunt was over UEA break.  The kids and I headed down early to enjoy the warm weather.  We swam, went to the temple to do baptisms, and went shopping.
Our Stake President challenged the youth to find 15 family names and do the baptisms for those names by Stake Conference.  There is the coolest app that will find the names for you called Take a Name.  Hunter, Mckell, and I have 20 names.  We thought it would be cool to visit the St George Temple since none of us have ever been to that temple before.  When we got there the wait was about 1 hour and a half, but my kids were good sports and said that was ok.  It was funny because everyone sitting in the chapel with us were all from up north, just down visiting for the UEA break.  I think it is so cool that whenever the youth today have a break or go on vacation, they make a point to visit the temple. After the temple, we met up with Jerry, Darinda, Lexi, and Garrett to do some shoe shopping and to get some clothes for Hunter and Mckell.  While  Hunter and Mckell were shopping Darinda decided to take Lexi and Garrett to a super fun park in town.  It was the funnest park I've ever been to.  Lexi and Garrett were in heaven.
So Dave was supposed to meet us down in St George that evening, but ended up being in pain with a kidney stone.  So as he was at home in pain, we were living it up in St George.  We ended up leaving the next morning so we could go home to him, after all the only reason we went down there was because he had that deer tag.  I feel bad that his kidney stone ruined his deer hunt, but I guess there is always next year.  Even though it was a really short trip (Thursday evening to Saturday morning) the kids said it was totally worth the drive.  I think that is because they all got some new shoes and clothes out of it, lol.  Love spending time with these cute kiddos.

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