Tuesday, October 3, 2017

~The Balloon Festival~

For years I have wanted to go up to the valley for the Balloon Festival.  I was able to talk Dave and the kids into it this year.
We went up for the balloon launch.  I was a little surprised cause I thought there would have been more balloons.  We saw 2 take off is all.
There were many booths for use to walk through and visit.  One of them was doing temporary tattoos.  The kids all thought it would be fun to get one or two, lol.
We found a booth with these human punch balls (not sure what to call them).  Dave knew the guy running the booth so he let the kids try them out for free.  They had fun running into each other and knocking each other down.  It was so funny to watch.  Especially when Lexi got stuck upside down, lol.
The Balloon Glow was really cool.  The Owl Balloon was our favorite.
I did find out that the best time to go see the balloon launch is in the morning.  That is when you get the most balloons up.  Good to know for next time.

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