Thursday, October 5, 2017

~Labor Day Weekend~

Dave and I have talked about taking the kids to hike the Narrows ever since we went to girls camp a few years ago.  We decided that Labor Day weekend was the perfect chance to do it.  It was still warm down at Zions, but not too warm.  We also wanted to take the boat out one of the days.  Jeff and Becky were also down at Jerry and Darinda's house this weekend, so they joined us for both the boating and the hike.
The kids had fun tubing, surfing, and even jumping off of the cliffs at Sand Hollow.  It was a little busy being Labor Day Weekend, but it was still fun.
Last time we went to the Narrows the water was so cold your feet went numb.  This time it was perfect.

Hunter posing for the camera, lol
Hunter had fun climbing around on all the rocks.  He is a little mountain goat.

Hunter wanted so bad to hold Lexi up over a rock like they do in The Lion King.  Lexi really didn't want him to do it, but he did anyway.  Poor Lexi!
Garrett should have come with us.  He really wanted to stay back at Jerry and Darinda's house so we let him.  Looking back we should have brought him.  Next time.  We missed the rainstorm thank goodness.  As soon as we got back down to the entrance it started pouring, so we snuck inside a restaurant and had a light lunch/snack.  Glad we weren't still in the canyon for the rain.
It was fun having cousins down there with us.
Stacey's family arrived the day we were heading home so we didn't get to play with them a whole lot, but we did get in a quick swim.
We really are so lucky to have a place like this where we can run for the weekend to get away real quick.

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