Thursday, October 5, 2017

~Where's Waldo?~

I know I post a lot of our young women's activities, but we are always having so much fun!!!  Tonight we had a Where's Waldo activity where the leaders dressed up and headed to Walmart.  The girls had to try to find all the leaders who were in disguise.  It was so much fun.  They tied it into a conference talk about in the chaos of the world there is always someone there for us.  We might not recognize it at first, but if we look closer the lord is blessing us with people here to support us.
Ange, me, Kendra, Tayleur, and Nicole.  Hahaha.  It was so much fun to dress up.

Tayleur cracked us up.  She got asked to leave the electronics section unless she was going to buy something because she kept pushing play to the music and dancing in the isles.  Hahaha.  Love her!!!  She even had random people videoing her.
Slade and Dave.  The girls had to come get our signatures once they found us.  Some guys saw Dave giving his signature and thought the girls were getting his autograph cause he was famous, lol.  They ran up to him asking who he was and if they could have his autograph.  Hilarious!!!!
Sad that the girls had the hardest time deciding if I was a leader dressed up or just a regular guy at Walmart.  I had a group of girls walk by me three times trying to decide.  I could hear them talking in the next isle, lol.  But in the end, they realized it was me.  I had one girl tell me it's cause I was dressed in regular clothes that someone would wear. 
The girls found all of us except no one found Nicole.  She was the homeless man standing out on the corner.  Lol.  She had someone stop and tell her they didn't have any money but offered her a cigarette.  She said she wasn't really homeless, just playing a game with some girls.  Hahaha.  The guys gave her a weird look and she realized that didn't sound very good.  Such a fun activity

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