Monday, October 9, 2017

~The Elk Hunt~

This year for the elk hunt Dave had asked the Chatelain family to go along, they had never been before and were super excited to go.  Brent (Dave's uncle) and his boys also came along, which was great that Brent was feeling up to going hunting again, because the last year his cancer took all his energy out of him.  It was really good to see him up and moving.  I ended up going over night so Hunter wouldn't have to miss any school, and Lexi and Garrett were dying to go camping.
It was really cold.  Sunny but cold, because of the wind.  We spent most of the time in our camper.  The highlight of the trip was when Garrett and Lexi got to ride Dave's friend, Jared's, horses.  They were both in heaven.
Garrett was able to ride with Dave to take the horses down to the watering hole to get a drink.  He thought that was the best thing ever.  He even named this horse Maximus.  He thought that was a really good name for this horse.  He couldn't wait to tell everyone what he named it.
When Hunter came back from the morning hunt, he looked like he had a goatee.  It was just dirt, lol.  This picture really doesn't do it justice.

Mckell didn't join us on the hunt.  Jasmin had asked her to spend the night and go to Lagoon's Frightmares the next day. 
Garrett and I came home that afternoon so Mckell wouldn't be home alone when she came home from Frightmares.  We decided to get in the hot tub, since it was so cold outside.  While Lexi, Hunter, and Dave were freezing their butts off, we were home relaxing in the nice hot tub.  Of course we rubbed it in, lol.  Nobody shot any elk this year.  I hope we are not on a streak.  No elk last year either.  Which is so unlike Dave.  Usually he always gets an elk.  Oh well, there is always next year.

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