Sunday, October 8, 2017

~Look Whose Officially 9~

Happy Birthday to my little Lexi Lou!!!
We all love breakfast in bed on our birthdays.
This sweet girl loves to dance, ride bikes, watch movies, and is such a good big sister.  We love Lexi!
Lexi has been Star of the Week this week at school for her birthday.
Poor Lexi had to wait to open her presents until after dance class and  Dave got home from work. Right as we were getting ready to celebrate she bent down to pick something up and hit her forehead right on the edge of the countertop.  She got a huge goose egg, poor thing.
For her birthday, she got a bike, a full length mirror for her bedroom, a turnboard and lots of clothes.
For her birthday dinner, Lexi chose Texas Roadhouse.
Lexi loved it when they came and had her sit on the saddle and they sang to her.  I love that there are still a few restaurants that do this.  It really made her happy.
I love this spunky little 9 year old.  She brings so much joy and love to our family.  Our family just wouldn't be the same without her.  Happy 9th Birthday Lexi!!!

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