Saturday, November 11, 2017

~The Gene Fullmer Super League~

Hunter, Calvin, Spencer, and Sammy have been working with a basketball trainer for some time now.  Hunter has even played with Troy in his E3 league down in Salt Lake.  Troy put together a new league, Utah Force, and asked these boys to play with him in his sophomore league (even though they are just 9th graders).  They had a lot of fun playing with this group of boys and won the championship in their division.  They played some pretty tough teams from all over the Salt Lake area.  Way to go boys!!!
Gene Fullmer Super League Sophmore Champs!  Hope we have another opportunity to play with this group of boys in the future.
I hope these boys know how lucky they are that Jerry has vested so much time and energy into them.  He's the one who lined Troy up to come work with them, made sure they got down to these Salt Lake games every week, and was their biggest cheerleader from the stands.  They wouldn't be the players they are today without Jerry. :) 

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