Monday, November 20, 2017

~Young Womens Day in Excellence~

We decided to do something a little different this year for our Young Women's Evening in Excellence.  Instead of doing it at night and only invite the parents of our young women, we decided to do a sacrament meeting where the girls shared what they had worked on through the year in their personal progress and how it has brought them closer to their Heavenly Father.  We called it our Day of Excellence.  Then we had a linger longer after church, where the ward members were able to come and view what the girls had been working on, and of course we had refreshments.
This was Mckell's first time actually speaking in sacrament meeting.  She did such a great job.  I was so proud of her.
Some of the things Mckell has been working on this year is she made a quilt, she is learning to play I am a Child of God on the piano, she has been improving her dance skills, she found family names and took them to the temple, made modest shorts, etc.  She is such a beautiful girl, inside and out.
I love being in the Beehives with Mckell.  We have so much fun together!
The 24th ward Young women.

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