Friday, November 24, 2017

~Happy Thanksgiving~

This year we had Thanksgiving with the Ropelatos.  Jeff and Becky hosted lunch at their place.  We had an enjoyable afternoon visiting, playing with cousins, meeting Jackie's boyfriend, and watching a movie marathon of Stranger Things.
We had to sneak out of our Stanger Things marathon to head to our traditional Thanksgiving Day family movie.  This year we saw Thor: Ragnarok.
Hunter is such a goof.  He loves to act goofy pictures to push my buttons, lol.
I am so grateful for these 4 cuties!
When we got home from a fun day with family, our elf, Fred, had returned bringing with him Christmas pjs, festive hats, and treats.
These 5 are my world!
Let the holiday festivities begin!  It's officially Christmastime.  My favorite time of the year!

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