Tuesday, October 31, 2017

~Happy Halloween~

What a busy, but fun day.  I love the traditions we have and the new ones we start on holidays.  We started the morning off with the elementary Halloween Parade.  This is one of my favorite things about Halloween.
This is the only picture I got of the parade, lol.  I love seeing all the kids in there costumes.  There are some very creative costumes out there.
I decided to start a new tradition this year and have a fun Halloween dinner.  We had Pumpkin bowls, cockroaches and guts (chili), topped with dried skin, beetles, and witch's hair (Fritos, olives, and cheese), fried slugs (bacon wrapped smokies), dirt (pudding with cookies and worms), and midnight fog (rootbeer and dry ice)  It was a really fun dinner.

We are loosing all of our trick or treaters :(  I'm not ready for my kids to grow up.  Hunter and Mckell both went to parties, so Dave just got to take these cuties around this year.
Garrett didn't last long.  He got cold and tired and just wanted to come home.  He was very satisfied with what he got though.
Lexi and Melyn with their candy.  I'm glad these kiddos had a great Halloween!

~Pumpkin Carving~

We had fun carving the pumpkins we picked out at the corn maze the other day with the Browns.  It's not Halloween without carving pumpkins.
Lexi's hair is still a little crazy from her 3rd grade program.
I'm a little bummed that Hunter is in a stage that he doesn't want to do this with us anymore.  I hope in a few years he will want to again, lol.
Mckell and Garrett's pumpkins
Lexi's pumpkin.

Now that the pumpkins are done, we can officially have Halloween.

Monday, October 30, 2017

~Lexi's 3rd Grade Program~

The 3rd grade program is one of my favorite programs at North Ogden.  I love seeing all the kids dressed up in there costumes and I love hearing them sing all the fun Halloween songs.
  This year Lexi was chosen to be one of the dancers for Thriller.  She was so excited because not everyone got parts.  She did an amazing job!  I'm so proud of the beautiful dancer that Lexi Lou is.
It was nice to have family there with us to celebrate Lexi.  It was especially great to have my mom there.  This is only the second thing she has left the house for, so that was HUGE!!!  I'm so glad she is feeling good enough to do things like this.
We love our little Lexi Lou!

~Nightmare on 13th~

At the first of the month I asked the kids if they wanted me to take them and some friends to a haunted house this year.  Mckell said yes. Hunter said if he was going to go to a haunted house it was just going to be with his friends and not his parents, lol. What???  So we planned a haunted house outing and I let Mckell take some friends.  It was the first time to a haunted house for a few, lol, they had a lot of fun.  We always go to Nightmare on 13th because we think that one is the best.
Mckell, Kailee, Jada, and Taylee
It's a good thing I took all these pictures because the ones that they took inside weren't working when I went to download them.  Oh well.  We did have lots of fun, and Dave even came along with us, which was good because none of us dared to go first in the line, lol.  It's a good thing Dave is brave, lol.
The bird man was a real guy, after we took this picture he jumped out at the girls, lol.  It was too funny.  When we got back home, Hunter made the comment, "Thanks for inviting me to the haunted house".  I asked if he wanted to go and he said yes.  What???  I reminded him of what he had said about it weeks ago, and he said well then I didn't want to , but tonight I would have.  Ughh!!!  That kid!  I felt horrible. But Dave said not to, cause now Hunter will learn his lesson on what he should say and what he shouldn't.  That made me feel a little bit better, but not really.  I wish he would have come with us.  It was fun!

Saturday, October 28, 2017

~Corn Maze with the Browns~

Since the kids are out of school we decided to go with the Brown's to a corn maze pumpkin patch.  The kids had a lot of fun in the maze, going down the slide, and seeing the animals.  Then we left with some really cool, big pumpkins.  Such a fun day.

Mckell was such a good sport to go down the slide with all the kids.  She was a hit, lol.  She even had other kids at the corn maze asking if she would go down the slide with them, lol.  She is such a sweet girl.
We had fun burying each other in the corn.
Garrett wasn't so sure he liked feeding the animals, he said it tickled to bad, lol.
Garrett LOVED the baby cows.  He kept asking if he could have one.  he really wants one for a pet, cause they are so cute.  He even said he would build it a barn if we bought him one.  He's the cutest!

Such a fun day at the corn maze!  And the weather was perfect!