Sunday, February 28, 2016

~Zip Lining~

Costa Rica had some of the best ziplining that I've ever done!!!  And I don't thing anything will ever be able to compare.  It was so cool!
Lexi has never been zip lining before and was a little unsure, but she did great.  She had to zip line with others thought, because she was so light and they knew she'd get stuck out on the middle of the zip line if she didn't have more weight with her.

It was so cool to zip line through the mist.  It totally reminded us all of Jurassic Park.  On some of the zip lines you couldn't see where the line ended.  It just disappeared into the fog.  Kind of creepy, but so cool.
The Ropelato zip lining group.  We only had a few little girls in tears because they were too scared, but we were so proud of them all for toughing up and going through with it anyway!
Once Lexi got the hang of it, she was fearless.  There was a German woman in our group that was really scared.  She said that if Lexi could do it, then she could do it :).  Way to be an example Lexi!!!
zip lining into the fog.
Hunter and Lexi getting ready to got on a line.  This was my favorite activity that we did down here in Costa Rica.  We were told that this is some of the best zip lining in the world, and I totally agree with that.  It was unbelievable!!!  What a way to end an amazing family vacation.

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