Friday, February 26, 2016

~Horseback Riding~

Today we headed out on a horseback ride/four wheeler ride through the jungle to the beach.  Most of us chose to go on the horseback ride, but Jerry and Hunter opted for the four wheeler ride.  It was a lot of fun, and I was so impressed at Mckell and Lexi for guiding their own horses (well Lexi had a little help from Dave, lol,  He had a rope that guided her horse along).
Mckell was so excited!!! She loves riding horses!

As we were all loading up on our horses, and practicing riding around a bit, Hunter and Jerry were ready to take off on their ride.  (Hunter doesn't look all that thrilled to have his picture taken, lol.  He told me that I'd filled up my quota of pictures of him on the trip, and that I wasn't allowed to take anymore.  Hahaha!  Like that was going to happen)
Mckell was a little disappointed.  Her horse didn't ever want to run.  Everyone else was galloping along, but her horse just wouldn't do it.
Our group.  My horse did not like stopping for pictures.  He wanted to run and be the leader of the pack the entire 2 hours we were riding them.  At first it was fun, but after and hour my butt hurt so bad and the inside of my calves were rubbed raw.  I did not like that my horse wanted to run after that, lol.
The ride was beautiful!

We rode our horses to this little village/area where we stopped for drinks.
I think Garrett would have really like to do this, I'm sad he missed it.  He stayed back at the house with Darinda, Marc, Randee, Shelley, and all the littles.

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