Wednesday, February 17, 2016


Halloween is one of my favorite holidays.  I love all the parties, activities, and getting dressed up.  This is such a fun time of the year.
Carving our pumpkins to get ready for the big night.
Hunter has gotten to the age where he really doesn't want to do these kinds of things with us.  It makes me sad :(  He used to LOVE stuff like this.
Hunter was heading out early to hang out with friends and go trick or treating, so I had to hurry and get a picture of him in his Halloween costume.  No one else was ready yet, so he got his own photoshoot, lol. Hunter is a zombie basketball player.
Garrett as Captain America, Mckell as a zombie doll, and Lexi as a vampire princess.
Garrett's little friend Jude was our first trick or treater.  He wasn't very happy that I wanted to take his picture with Garrett, lol.
All ready to head out and get some CANDY!!!!

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