Thursday, February 11, 2016

~Happy 7th Birthday Lexi!!!~

Lexi started her special day off with breakfast in bed.  She was in 7th heaven!!! I let her open 1 present to begin her special day.  A new outfit!  I don't know if she was super thrilled that the 1 present I let her open was clothes, hahaha,  But you have to look super cute on your special day.
Lexi was so excited to open her other presents.  She loved her new bike, and couldn't wait to ride it.
We let Lexi decide how we were going to celebrate her birthday.  She chose dinner at Olive Garden and then bowling afterwards.  I love this sweet little girl!!!!
Bowling was a lot of fun.  What made it more exciting was I guess it is "pirate day" or something because there were people all around us dressed up as pirates.  I wish we would have gotten the memo and then we would have dressed up too, lol.
Lexi had a great birthday!  I love celebrating special days with these guys! We love you Lexi!

1 comment:

  1. Lexi is such a cutie! I'm glad you had so much fun celebrating your cute girl!
