Wednesday, February 10, 2016

~St Thomas~

Dave and I thought we should go somewhere fun for our 15 year anniversary.  The day after we were discussing where we should go, a friend asked if we'd like to go on a vaca to St Thomas.  We were all in!!!
We had a lot of fun snorkeling, laying out on the beach, zip lining, night swimming, getting messages, and island hopping.  It was a very relaxing vacation.  We took the red eye flight out to St Thomas, and hadn't even been at our place 5 minutes when Dave and I were asked to be witnesses to a wedding.  Lol.  I was kind of embarrassed because you could totally tell we'd been traveling all night.
The beach we were staying on was gorgeous!!!  We literally walked right out of our room onto the beach.  It was amazing!

Enjoying some Pina Colada's on our patio.
Iguanas were everywhere!
Great Bishopric photo. Hahaha!
Megan's Bay was a favorite of ours.  The beach and the water were gorgeous!!!  We went there several times.  In fact, we decided one night to go night swimming there.  We were really surprised that the beach was empty, except for one couple walking their dog.  We didn't understand why more people weren't out there doing it, because the water was great!!! We even all dared each other to swim out to the buoy and back.  Which we all did.  It was a little creepy, because you really couldn't see anything, it was so dark.  Well, the next day, we asked a waitress about night swimming at Megan's bay.  She said you'd have to be crazy to do that.  We asked why and she said because of sharks and eels. lol.  Needless to say, we didn't do that again, but it kind of became a joke.  Everywhere we'd go, we'd ask locals if they'd recommend night swimming at Megan's Bay, and every single one of them said "Heck No!!!  You'd be crazy to do that!"  I guess we were being super adventurous (maybe stupid) and we didn't even know it.
We had fun island hopping.  We also visited St. John, Jost Van Dyke, and the sand island in all the Corona commercials.  It was fun to see how the snorkeling was a little bit different at all of them.  My favorite snorkeling spot was off an island in the British Islands.  We chartered a boat and he took us there.  The snorkeling was amazing!!! It was like you were in an aquarium.  I saw a HUGE manta ray swimming right at me, literally like 10 feet away.  I got kind of freaked out and started frantically swimming away.  Luckily it got spooked and took off in the other direction.  We saw all kinds of fish, colorful coral, turtles, jellyfish, etc.  It really was amazing!  Best snorkeling I've ever done.

We all belong to the "Sea Band Club"
Our boat guide took us to the cutest little town that he said the villages in "Pirates of the Caribbean" were made after.  He highly recommended the deep fried Hot dogs.  Dave decided to try one out.
We also had fun watching a meteor shower one evening on our beach.

We had such a great time.  This is a definite visit again vacation spot!!!

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