Tuesday, February 16, 2016

~Reflections~ "Let Your Imagination Fly"~

Mckell made student council this year!!! I'm so proud of her.  At the reflections assembly, she and her friend Meryn opened the assembly.  She quieted the entire student body of North Ogden Elementary down, welcomed them to the assembly, and led them all in the school song.  I was so proud of her for not even being shy about that.  That takes guts!
The reflections theme this year was "Let Your Imagination Fly"  Mckell chose to do the photography category.  She took pictures of the clouds and talked about how cloud watching (finding pictures in the clouds) was using your imagination.  Lexi chose to do art.  She used the book "If" to be her inspiration.  She drew 4 pictures titled "What is it rained crayons?", "What if worms could fly?", "What if feet were broccoli?", and "What if houses could talk?"
Mckell received an award of merit for her project and Lexi received an award of excellence, meaning Lexi's project will go on to be judged at the next level.  Way to go girls!!!  So proud of both of them, especially because these projects were both their ideas and they were the ones who made sure they got done.  I love that they love to go the extra mile to participate in things like this.

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