Sunday, February 28, 2016

~Heading Home~

We are all so sad to see this vacation coming to an end.  We had the best time ever, and it truly was just what I needed to escape reality for a week.  It is going to be really hard to go back.  Jerry and Darinda, thanks for the memories!!!
I told my kids to enjoy 1st class one last time.  This may be the only time they get to ride in it, lol.  Our family pretty much took up the entire 1st class cabin.  Actually we did, with the exception of 1 lady.  And she was not happy that 1st class was filled with little kids, lol.  But come to find out she was upgraded and didn't pay for her seat.  Darinda let her know that we were all one family and that we did pay for our first class tickets, lol.  She was a little nicer after that (but not much).
Garrett had to make sure his monkey and sloth were all safely fastened, ready for take off.  He's the cutest!

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