Wednesday, February 10, 2016

~First Day of School~

This summer has flown by!  I can't believe it is already time to send the kids back to school.  Hunter is officially growing up.  He is now in 7th grade.
Back to School Neighborhood Breakfast for the Jr High kids.
Mckell is going into the 5th grade.

Lexi is now in the 1st grade.
Back to School Breakfast for some of the elementary kids.
Garrett was so excited to get his picture too.
Lexi was so nervous to start this year.  With everything she's done so far (dance, soccer, preschool, basketball, kindergarten) she's had her little sidekick Melyn.  This year she and Melyn are in different classes.  She almost looked lost, but it will be good for her to branch out.  She was so excited to see that she had a friend in her class.  I know she will be fine. :)  To be honest, I worried about Hunter all day.  It was like his first day of kindergarten all over again.  I worried if he'd get his locker opened, I worried if he'd remember where all his classes were, I worried if he'd have lunch with any friends.  I think I was a wreck all day, lol.  But he was fine.  Nothing to worry about.  I can't believe how grown up and independent these kiddos are getting.  It kind of makes me sad.  Here's to a great year of school!!!!

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