Thursday, February 11, 2016

~Family's New Toy~

We did it.  We got a boat!  Dave and I have been talking for some time about how it's a shame our kids do not know how to water ski and about how we both knew how to do that at their age.  We decided that it would be fun for our family if we broke down and got a boat. while the kids still like to do things with us, lol.
Dave LOVES it, and pretty much wants to go boating every day.  Me on the other hand, I get anxiety every time we go.  I enjoy being out on the water, but launching the boat and bringing it back in gives me so much stress!!!  I remember, as a child, my parents fighting while doing this.  It is so nerve-racking.  I would LOVE going out boating, if I had someone there to help Dave do this part of the trip, lol.  But it is getting easier.
Garrett calls the boat "The Pirate Ship".  He has officially deemed himself the flag holder.
Garrett is my fraidy cat.  He doesn't like to do anything adventurous or scary, which has been a good thing (cause I don't have to worry about him getting into things he shouldn't) but at the same time not a good thing because he never wants to try anything knew.  Dave and I are mean parents and we force him to go out and try things.  Like going down slides at the park, getting in the swimming pool, going on rides at amusement parks, etc.  Boating is no different.  He loves riding on the boat, but not so much getting on the tube.  In fact, he didn't want to do it at all, lol.  Being the mean parents that we are, we made him.  He cried at first, but then started having fun and being brave.
Lexi loves dancing on the bow of the boat.

It really is a fun family toy.  I know we will make lots of memories on this boat.

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