Monday, July 31, 2017

~Time Out For Women~

For Darinda's birthday this year, Randee had the great idea of going as Ropelato girls to Time Out For Women.  It was such a fun, uplifting weekend.  I'd never been before, and after these 2 days I swore I'd make it a yearly tradition.  Truly so uplifting!  Thanks Randee for thinking of it.
Stacey was here with us some of the time, but came late and snuck out early because she wasn't feeling well.  I was bummed that I didn't get a picture of us all when she was there. Next time :)
While I was up in Logan, Dave was manning the fort back at home, which included getting the girls to the Peach Days parade in Brigham City to perform with their dance group.  He's such a trooper!

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