Tuesday, July 18, 2017

~San Fransisco~

Dave had a business meeting in San Francisco.  Neither of us had been there before, so we thought it would be fun to go and make a little vacation out of it.  Being July, and so hot here in Utah, we both just assumed California would be about the same, or even more hot.  We packed shorts, short sleeve shirts, and sandals.  We were quite shocked to find that San Francisco was really quite cool (I guess we should have done some research before we left, lol).  We ended up having to buy sweatshirts and jackets that first evening, because we were so cold.
It was fun visiting Peir 39 (although we totally missed seeing the sea lions??? Don't know how that happened, lol.  Like I said, we should have done a little digging into what to see and do in San Francisco before we had come).
We really wanted to go tour Alcatraz while we were here, but I guess you had to book a tour weeks prior, so we just admired it from the peir.

Dave had meetings all day, so I spent my days shopping and walking the streets.  I really wanted to ride in a trolley car, but never made it to actually doing it.  But I walked up the steep, hilly streets and even found China town.  We are definitely going to have to come back and see all the things we missed while we were here, lol.
One afternoon, we did go exploring.  We went to the Golden Gate bridge and drove down the coastline.  It was beautiful, but cold LOL

Dave really is my best friend and I love spending time with him.
While we were in San Francisco, my kids went with my family to the Ogden Pioneer Day Rodeo.  I got a text from my cute sister in law, Cassie, apologizing for how Garrett looked. Hahaha!!!  I guess my brother Rich wanted Garrett to be dressed like a cowboy and this is what he came up with, lol.  I guess Garrett can get away with going out dressed like this cause he is so cute and cause he is 4 years old.  Hahaha!!!

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