Saturday, July 22, 2017

~Ball Is Life Basketball camp and Disneyland~

Jerry and Darinda took Hunter to the Ball is Life basketball camp in California.  He always has a lot of fun going to these.
Since Jerry and Darinda went on their honeymoon to Disneyland, and it being their 40 year anniversary, they decided to splurge and do a night at the park, with Hunter tagging along, hahaha.  They paid to get a tour guide who took them around to all the rides showing them cool things about the park.  They were able to go to the front of every line.  Hunter said he rode more rides in these few hours than he did in several days coming to the park.  He said it was a blast!!!  They went to the Blue Bayou for dinner and Hunter tried a bunch of new kinds of food.  Shocker!!! He is usually so picky.  I think he had a lot of fun tagging along with his grandma and grandpa on their anniversary date.
Hunter said we need to go back as a family so he can tell and show us all the cool things he discovered on this tour.  I'm totally in for that!!! I LOVE Disneyland!

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