Thursday, July 20, 2017

~Little Bare Bottoms Waterslide~

Our youth went to Little Bare Bottoms Waterslide in Wellsville for our summer activity.  It was a lot of fun!!!  I was able to drag my cute kiddos along.  They were in heaven!!!
The slides were really, really steep.  Cute little Izzy Bird (who came along with her parents) flew off the slide coming down and ended up rolling down the dirt on the side of the slide. :(  She had road rash from head to toe, poor girl.  But she was tough!
Our cute youth group, plus a few.  This was such a fun activity!!! I was sad that Hunter missed it (he was at a basketball tournament).  The slides were really steep and went really fast!  Even Dave and I tried them out a few times, lol.  I love my calling in the youth!

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