Monday, September 2, 2013

~Last Camping Trip of the Year~

Labor Day Weekend is always a little sad, because it marks our families last camping trip of the year, which means summer is over.  This year summer has gone by entirely too fast.  I really do not know where the time went.  It was a memorable summer, and I'm sad to see it over.

We did have a fun weekend though.  It was the annual Smeding/Dutson reunion up at North Fork.  The kids look forward to this campout because they enjoy playing in the river, the pinata, playing card games, capture the flag, and scary stories from Grandpa Wangsgard.  They had a fun weekend!
Dave went all out for dinner the first night.  He made lobster, crab legs, and shrimp for Mckell and him.  The rest of us just had hamburgers and hot dogs :)
I'm shocked Garrett is actually eating real food.  I spent the entire weekend trying to stop him from eating dirt and rocks.  Every time I would turn my head, he shove a handful of dirt into his mouth.
A fun activity we did the first night was a dance off.  We had a projector with Just Dance.  Everyone was having a blast busting out their dance moves, until the camp hosts came and told us we were being too loud and had to turn the music off, lol.  It was quite the workout while it lasted.
I was in charge of the piñata this year.  The kids and I decided to make a minion, since Despicable Me 2 just came out.  I think it turned out pretty cute.  I was a little worried.

Devin was having fun making it a bit harder for the bigger kids to hit the pinata. He would swing the rope that the piñata was on so they had to go after a moving target.
Dave and Hunter were partners in the water balloon toss.  They did pretty good.  I think they took first in one of the games.
Garrett liked being pushed around in his dump truck.
Lexi, Christian, and Hunter getting ready for the whipped cream eating contest.

I didn't get a whole lot of pictures of Mckell, because she and several of the girls spent most of their time down at a little club house they made.  The kids had a lot of fun this weekend.  Summer is officially over, bring on the fall.

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