Monday, September 9, 2013

~Our New Bishop~

So our ward got a new bishop yesterday.  It was Dave.  Yes believe it or not Dave is a bishop.  This is totally an overwhelming experience.  Dave and I both feel inadequate, but I know he was called from the lord.  I hope and pray that we will not have too many people hating us when this is all said and done.  We love our ward and can't think of any people we'd rather serve :)

Dave didn't want to give it away that he was bishop, so he asked all our family to come in after the sacrament and sit in the back.  That is the first thing people do when they come into sacrament, look to see whose families are there so you know who the next  bishopric will be.  We didn't have anyone, lol.  That is until after the sacrament.

Over this past month, the magnitude of this calling really hadn't hit me.  I knew it was coming but wasn't worried about it.  Dave on the other hand was, all month long.  Well it hit me today as I was getting up.  I was a mess.  I just couldn't stop crying.  It wasn't necessarily tears of sadness, just the spirit touching me, me not feeling worthy of this calling (I really don't see myself as a bishop's wife cause I don't feel mature enough), and just feeling the love of many ward members.  After Sacrament meeting, they always have a reception line to say good-bye to the outgoing bishopric and congratulations to the new bishopric.  Well I just couldn't stop crying.  I was a mess.  This is going to definitely be a learning experience for me.  I know I'm going to have to let Dave get out of family things, give up some of our family vacation time, and give up our Sundays, Tuesday evenings, and Wednesday nights so he can serve our ward family.  But I know as we serve, we will grow stronger as a family.

The kids are so excited about the idea of having their Dad as the bishop.  I don't think any of us really know what to expect, lol.

I am proud of Dave for being worthy to hold this calling.  I know he'll do a GREAT job, and he has some really GREAT men to work with.

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