Saturday, September 21, 2013

~Hunter is One Tough Guy~

Last Thursday, at basketball practice, Hunter ran into a wall trying to save a ball from going out of bounds.  He complained that he really hurt his shoulder, but wasn't crying and the shoulder wasn't even swollen, so I didn't think much about it.  He complained about it again on Friday, but still went out to play with his friends after school, so I really thought it was just sore or bruised.  Saturday he still said it hurt, but he played in his football game.  Then Sunday he wanted to go to the doctor, at this point I told him that we could wait one more day, so on Monday we finally took him in after school.  Well, he separated his shoulder.  His piece of his shoulder bone was 1 inch off from where it was supposed to be.  He is now in a splint, and told that football is over for the rest of the season :(.
Hunter is supposed to keep his arm in the sling for 10 days.  He gets it off the day we leave for Hawaii.  Let's just hope that his shoulder is healed by then.  They told us if it isn't feeling better, then they will have to do surgery to pull his shoulder bone back where it is supposed to be.  Let's just hope you don't have to do that :)

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