Tuesday, September 3, 2013

~Lexi is Neglected~

When Hunter and Mckell were little we went to the Dinosaur Park all the time.  They loved it there.  A few weeks ago, we were looking through some old pictures and Lexi informed me that she had never been to the Dinosaur Park before.  What???  I couldn't believe I'd never taken her there, so I promised her we'd go as soon as the kids went back to school for full days.  Today we went, and Lexi thought it was the greatest place on earth.  She ran all through the park saying, "Mom, you've got to see this"  She thought the dinosaurs were so cool.

Lexi kept saying that she wished she could live here.
So needless to say, our trip to the Dinosaur Park was a huge success.  I think our next trip will have to be to the zoo (another place Lexi hasn't gone except when she was a baby, lol)
We had a fun day with just the young'uns.

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