Saturday, September 21, 2013

~5 Years Old~

Happy Birthday Lexi Lou!  I can't believe my baby girl is 5 years old!  Lexi is such a sweet girl.  She is such a big helper with Garrett.  He absolutely adores her.  She is constantly making us laugh at the funny little things she says.  She is so spunky.  She is nice to everyone and is constantly making new friends.  She LOVES school and loves dance.  She is so smart, everyday she tells me that she needs to do her homework.  Then she'll sit down and write her letters and numbers.  She loves playing with her friends.  Her favorite color is purple. Her favorite thing to eat is cheese.  And she LOVES to ride her bike.  Lexi is so much fun, and we are glad she is in our family.
Lexi sporting her Hawaiian lei that she made at school.
Lexi chose to go to Pizzeria for her birthday, then to Kirts for Ice cream cones.  He were going to go to GET Air as a family, but with Hunter's shoulder hurt we didn't want him to be left out.  We promised her we'd go when we get back from Hawaii because, hopefully Hunter's arm will be better then.  She is such a good sport and was totally fine with it.
Lexi got a laptop that she has been asking for for quite some time.  She can practice her numbers and letters on it, which she loves to do.  She was thrilled!

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