Thursday, September 5, 2013

~Lexi's First Day of Preschool~

Lexi has been dying to start school.  It has been torture for her to see Hunter and Mckell leave to school and her not go too.  She was so excited that her first day of school was finally here.
Lexi is so funny!  As she was getting ready, she put on her red pants and said, "Mom I think these pants make me look cute.  Maybe the boys will want to kiss me"  I told her that she did look darling, and that she'd better tell the boys that they can't kiss her.  She makes me laugh.
Lexi loves to have her picture taken.  She kept saying, "Mom, take a picture of me like this"  She was striking her poses.
So we started the year off great!  I told Mindy and Melyn that I'd come pick them up to go over to the school.  I told her that school started at 12:30, so I'd come a little bit early so we could get pictures.  Well when we got to school, everyone was already there and all the parents were gone.  As Mindy and I left, we thought that was funny, because we had come early and the parents were no where in sight.  Well as it turns out we were not early, we were late.  School started at 12:00, lol.  I guess that is the way to start off the year at a new school, NOT!  Mindy and I laughed because we could only imagine what the teachers were thinking, lol
Lexi loved school!  Her teacher, Ms. Jodi, commented on how cute Lexi was.  As they were packing up their stuff to get ready to leave, Lexi threw her arms up in the air and yelled, "This was the Best Day Ever!"  Her teacher thought that was adorable.  Lexi is adorable :)  She is so excited to have her two good buddies at school with her this year, Melyn and Andrew.  It is going to be a fun year.

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