Monday, September 16, 2013

~Lexi's Birthday Celebration Activities Take 2~

We had the Wangsgard side of the family birthday party for Lexi, which consists of my mom, dad, and Christian.  Sad to think that come January, Christian will be gone too.  So the days of birthday parties with aunt and uncles will no longer be (on the Wangsgard side at least).
Lexi as so excited to celebrate her birthday again.  I told her that I would let her pick what we had for dinner at her party.  She said she wanted that really good soup that Hunter knows how to make.  A.K.A  Ramen noodles.  I knew my mom, dad, and Christian wouldn't be thrilled with the idea of Ramen noodles for dinner, so I made soups.  Ramen Noodles and Potato soup.  Lexi thought it was great that she got to pick what the dinner was.
Lexi couldn't wait to open her presents.  She loved every one of her gifts, even the block of cheese my mom and dad gave her as a joke.  Little did they know that Lexi's favorite thing to eat is cheese. 
Lexi got all kinds of fun toys. From several princess Barbie dolls to Tinkerbell shoes. She was in heaven!
I can't believe my baby girl is going to be turning 5.  Lexi has such a fun personality.  I'm glad I am her mom!

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